Automotive photography
A unique industry
Are you going for a comfortable, sporty or economical car? An SUV, station, crossover or a hatchback? Once you have made those choices, the next step is to find the right car brand and with more than 350 car brands worldwide, there is plenty of choice. How do you make your brand stand out?

make the difference
If your consumer has so much choice, how do you make a difference as a car brand or car company? By starting with the consumer. Is space important for your target group and is it Christmas - show that in the picture. Is your target group often found on the construction site? Then show your company car at a construction site. By researching what is going on with the consumer, you can make personalized and high-quality photos.
5 automotive photography tips
Start with the consumer, what is important to him/her?
Choose a location that suits the car and target group.
Show the whole car from front bumper to trunk.
Make sure the photos are of high quality.
Finally, a clean car is so nice!

Automotive photography
The conclusion? By using high-quality and personalized photos that appeal to your consumer, you can win the customer at an early stage. So always start with the consumer. At JA media we help you to take photos that appeal to your target group.
5 automotive photography tips
Start with the consumer, what is important to him/her?
Choose a location that suits the car and target group.
Show the whole car from front bumper to trunk.
Make sure the photos are of high quality.
Finally, a clean car is so nice!

4. Use your headline
If networking and building your own brand are important to you, then you need to use your headline well. Why? Your headline, together with your profile photo, is what LinkedIn users see of you without being on your profile. This is, as it were, the call to action to your profile.